Kickstart itu Life

So the month of July has kicked in. I wonder what more could a month brings to you. I soo hope it won't be the same like the previous months. hehe..
Im hoping for wonders. Miracles. Peace. Money (lots of it). Good health. My own space. And last but not least, a JOB. Saya perlu mencari kerja untuk menyara diri. duduk di rumah sangatlah stressful. Asyik kena marah je (oops). Friends have started their new term. I need to start mine.

Oh btw, saya kempunan cheese cakes :(


MeL said...
July 5, 2009 at 3:32 PM

we need J.O.B and M.O.N.E.Y!!!!
pastu bley shopping. megasale babe.
(wht a way to motive urself) ngaaaa......

Unknown said...
July 5, 2009 at 5:47 PM

Hee welcome to blogworld :D

Azhani.Azizan said...
July 5, 2009 at 7:01 PM

Syaza: thank u :)

Selly: hahaha nak bli tp xde kete :( nk tgk transformers dow