Bisnes Kek Batik ku berkembang luas ;)


Thanks for the support guys! Keep the orders coming in!

Jangan lupa, raya dah nak dekat so order la banyak2 ahahaha..

Pictures will be uploaded soon ;)

If you want to place your order, do give me a call or leave me a text message.

It comes in three sizes. Small(18 pieces) : RM8
Medium(36 pieces) : RM15
Large(1 whole caserole) : RM35

To my regular customers: Nina, Leez, Nas, Kin, Geng ALSOC..Thank you! You guys are the true cookie monsters! :P


yebbit + . + said...
August 27, 2009 at 6:51 PM

moo moo. boleyh tempah lagi kahh.?
i ponn ngidamm kek batikk u.

nak yg medium e moo. ;)

Azhani.Azizan said...
August 27, 2009 at 8:03 PM

hahaha boleh!! bile anda mahu?? :)