Finally have the mood to blog hehe..So many things happened these past few months but haven't had the chance to write them all..Maklumlah saya ni pemalas nak blogging..Apa guna ade blog pun tada tau -_-" Blame Twitter & Facebook & One Tree Hill & dvds
Jadi, mari kita recap (in no particular order) dari wedding Cik, eh, PUAN Siti Ruvinna & Encik Kama on the 10th Oct, 2009 which was also Zizi dearie's birthday ;)
1. V's tying the knot

What a night! Done at her parents' house in Subang, she was gorgeous! Kami convoy ramai-ramai, around 5 cars from Shah Alam. The food's great and although malam tu panas, dan yang datang pun terlalu ramai sebab semua excited kawan dah kahwin, tapi semua maintain la kan..So now she's 2 months married. Paling penting, she got married during her LLB course. Terbaik. How does it feel to be a wifey now,V? :)
2. 16.10.2009: Telah masuk waktu berhenti kerja
Can't deny that I was so damn happy to finally have finished working at the firm, but at the same time, I felt that I have yet to learn everything from my lawyers during the 3 months course, especially conveyancing. Jadi terpaksa lah berhempas pulas sket dalam LLB nanti hehe. Nevertheless, thanks to the firm for the experience.
In the picture: Us with the office boy yg slalu tanya "boss da masuk dah?" Kalau blom, "yess" kalau dah, "Alaa boring btollaa" haha siot je. Terbaik ah Boy.
3. Graduation Day: 27th Oct

One of the happiest days of my life. D'oh..Dah kata graduation pulak hehehe...Datang bersama Leez, kami terlambat sedikit tetapi masih sempat camwhoring bersama rakan-rakan yg lain..Mama invited my grandparents too so a bit cuak dan malu la sebab tak excel sangat but what the heck, Ive graduated with a degree(hons) anyway hehehe despite everything that has happened kan..Proud of myself nonetheless although I know I could do better(so cliche) haha. Thanks to everyone who came for the graduation especially Zizi & Sha, Jiha, Teen, Yati, Min and the others(eventhough they were there only to support Leez sobsob) haha. Too bad my best buddies couldn't make it. Merajuk ngan korang. Had a graduation dinner at Serai Sec.3 with the family. Adik & Za weren't there sebab masing2 kat sekolah masing2 kan lame betul. Boo kanak2 sekolah. Adik, kau Medical SCHOOL so kira sekolah gak.
4. Road trip to Melaka bersama rakan-rakan sejawat

Setelah penat bekerja, kami mengambil keputusan untuk melarikan diri ke Melaka, bandar bersejarah. We planned to go to PD along the way too but Nina & Nadia had other plans so boo them!! Kat sana memang lawak gila betul. Dah lah nak tipu orang hotel cakap 2 orang je tido, papp di bagi nya bilik betul2 depan reception memang terbaik ah. Dah lah CCTV terpampang tepi corridor tu damn la. Last2 caught on camera jugak daa kene extra charge wakaka..When we had our dinner, hujan lebat gila so we were stranded at the restaurant for more than an hour. Last2 semua lari bergelimpangan balik hotel which was like 300 meters from the place. Dahla si Mel sakit kaki pulak tak boleh lari so semua tunggu dia and last2 semua decide mandi hujan je laa hahaha. But dang, it was soo cold! I was shivering like crazy! But the trip was awesome lah, I really needed a getaway at the time ;) And the asam pedas at the restaurant before balik tu terbaik!!
5. Karaoke yang never ending
Gang biasa yg slalu ajak hehehe //////
Gang Lawsoc yg pergi mini reunion.

Birthday party si Amad yang sengal............................................
Xpernah2 pegi karaoke tiba2 tahun ni rajin gila pulak kan hahaha dahlah yg mengajak semua nya hantu menyanyi hehehe had loads of fun though. sorry la suara tak sedap kan,da kata karaoke kihkihkih..Paling best nyanyi Lady Marmalade with Nina(yes, just the two of us) Can you imagine? 2 orang nak bawak suara 4 orang? Memang semput ah! N yes, I did the rapping part wahaha hey at least I got a temukan gemuruh for that! hehe thanks lah Leez, Fyza n Sha yang lebih pentingkan makanan masa tuu...Ciss betul korang nih.
The mini reunion with Lawsoc lads pun not bad..We played bowling first before karaoke-ing tapi malas lah nak letak score sebab tak dapat top 3 so buat malu je kalau letak hahaha..Faida and the others semangat nak sign socks masing2 padahal lepas tu kata nak buang membazir je hahaha..Mine dah basuh bagi Umar pakai untuk next year wahahaha..And I still remember the guy yang jaga shoe counter tu. Kelakar siot! He had a funny face, I guess it was a birth defect la kot, if not his bad habit but he was always smiling yang semacam tu..EVERYTIME we asked for our shoe sizes. Serious! At first we thought nak mengorat si Faida, last2 die macam nak mengorat semua orang including Nabil (??) so takkan mengorat kot kan..Nawal, Mel & Leez dah gelak terbahak2 tak kaver..So if u guys wanna check this guy out, pergi la Bowling alley Mid Valley eh hehehe. Serious you'll feel appreciated and loved :D
6. Contests
All the contestants including the 'criminal' ///
Thanks to this guy here! Adam!Sherlock Holmes wannabe was the latest contest I entered. One sweet day, adam posted a link at fb chat asking me to check it out. All I had to do was snap a photo of myself, then post je kat the event page n get as many votes as I can to be in the top10. So saya pun tangkaplah gambo dan post lah dan 'paksa' kawan2 yang online 'like' hahaha sorry guys!!
I made it to the final along with 7 other contestants including Adam ni haa. During the final tu, ada Criminal Hunt. All we had to do was find 10 clues at different stores in the Cineleisure and matched them all and then find the Criminal at the said place. I, along with another contestant, Mei Yun( yes we are friends now ;)) cari the criminal at the Cathay Cineplax for about half an hour. Little did we know that an announcement has been made saying that the criminal has been found and that the game's over. Kitorang punya la cari macam orang gila kat atas tu. Fortunately, Adam's friends, Molong n his gf were there so I asked them and they informed us that it's over..Sigh..Memang dah agak dahhh!
Anyway, neither Adam nor I managed to score the grand prize. It was won by a guy who has won sooooo many contests/hunts before. Lucky guy. But hadiah saguhati dia pun not bad gak..4 passes to premiere screening of Sherlock Holmes, and other movie goodies..caps, notepad,files..Best jugak kan? hehehe
The screening was on 22nd Dec which was last Tuesday. I went there with my sister Nadzira gmok, my dear Izreen Marleezard and Siti Ribenna. We were late for ticket redemption, thank god the guy on the counter was nice hehe. Damansara jam lah, as usual..Gila betul.
Yayyness!!! Free movie!! //////////////// "Saya SUKA makan!" -Malik Noor
--------------------------------Ribenna & Marleezard----------------------------------Adam came with Noi, Yayan, Alia, Ayumi and Azam. Due to the short period of time, I didn't manage to tegur them, sebab tak sempat...Rushing gila.
Anyways, thanks sooo sooo much to those who voted for my photo. You guys made it possible for me to watch the premiere hehehe. Your help is very much appreciated ;) Muahx!!
Family vacay to negara Soda Gembira!
Hellloooo Bandung! Jgn ganyang kami!! Rutin wajib iaitu makan.
Rutin #2: shopping sambil buat gila. /////////// Ole-ole wajib
Abah & Atok xshopping. Tpaksa tunggu je / Air wajib. Tgk minum sampai 2 botol
RM10. Kena tipu dgn org airport / Bersama Pak Jay. Pak Jajang takde :(Basically, all we did was shop, shop, shop!!! Hahaha..Except for Atok & Abah. Depa tido kat hotel. Borriinnggg..So we went to Rumah Mode, pasar baru, Batik house, Kartika Sari & Amanda Brownies punya kedai besar, Cihampelas, other factory outlets...Nak cerita pun there's nothing much. Except at the Bandung airport masa nak balik. We were conned!! Macam ni alkisahnya...
Atok was lured into the airport lounge by a lady, she who must not be named, so we followed lah sebab atok kata "jom minum-minum dulu" So semua masuk lounge tu and everybody ordered drinks kan..Yang peliknya, takde prices pun anywhere. No price board, no menu. But we ordered anyway. Tengok-tengok bila kena bayar tu, diorang charge rm100+ only for the stupid drinks! Nearly 300 ribu rupiah la. Mama was so shocked but she had to pay anyway lah kan. Kesian dia, that money was our emergency money. Then he told Abah but what can he do kan, as usual die senyap je la. Walau bagaimanapun, anak2 Mama semua memainkan peranan..Bila dapat tau, semua cari that lady yang bancuh coffee tu dengan harapan dapat jeling habis-habisan..Benganglah kan, bukannya nak cakap! Malangnya mereka dapat melarikan diri...
One of the ladies(behind; yg depan tu my Uwan)..Ni laa yang berjaya menarik Atok. Ciss!Anyway, all of us had fun. Banyak jugakla barang. Thank god my luggage did not exceed its limit of 15 kilos hehehe..I wish I could go on a vacay again before next semester starts. Hmm...Anyway, I think that's all for today. Will catch another rainbow next time! :D